Lila + Leica CL & SL

Meet Lila, that’s pronounced Leela as in Leelo, sorry dating myself there but a great movie so there’s that. Anyway, lovely young lady and we created and she’s one of the last few that I’m photographing before going off island on a little vacation and travel vlogging and shooting with some other models from different parts of the country.

I wanted to use these Leica’s as I am actually going to be giving them up and moving on; they are certainly great cameras but not what i’m looking for. You see for my work I shoot with my Fujifilm cameras as I have for almost 15 years. The Leica’s are great of course but I bought those for my everyday stuff, for my personal projects etc. So at the suggestion off a couple Leica aficionados it was suggested I give the Leica Q/Q2 a try so, when I head out to the mainland this Summer I will be documenting my trip with my new Leica Q2. I will of course be bringing along my Fujifilm X-H2s to test that out a bit more as the camera is new to me, not the system per se but the camera itself.

That being said, back to Lila and my summer vibes surfer girl look. I got my new friend Roke out again to bring his awesome ‘66 VW Bug. I’m still wanting to shoot with a VW bus so if anyone out there has one, please reach out and lets shoot with your vehicle!

The photos below were all shot with my CL or my SL and generally straight out of my camera with minimal editing, its what I try to do these days as the tech has become so awesome there’s not really much need for that. So check the photos below and enjoy and let me know what you think!

A H Oftana

Guam-based freelance photographer |

I take pics of most things |

Freelancer NYT, WSJ, ThePost |


USMC Veteran!

Cebu, Manila + Fujifilm X-H2s


Kezia + Fujifilm XT4